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Professional Growth and Development in EAP: Exploring Current Practices and Imagining Future Possibilities

20th June 2025 @ 8:00am - 5:00pm

Professional Growth and Development in EAP: Exploring Current Practices and Imagining Future Possibilities


In the ever-evolving landscape of higher education, we want to bring our global community together to explore how we grow as EAP practitioners and scholars, what shapes and supports our professional journeys across different national and cultural contexts, and how CPD engagement helps us choose various pathways of specialisation within the field.
We aim to examine both personal motivations and institutional support structures for EAP practitioners, including the role of mentorship and coaching in fostering professional growth. Through a reflective lens, we will consider what it means to develop as an EAP professional today, and what it might look like in the future.
Please have a look at our Call for Contributions, in which you can find more detailed descriptions of suggested topics.
The PIM will start on Monday, 2nd of June, and will unfold over three weeks of asynchronous open access content, consisting of invited interviews, accounts of professional development journeys, and an exhibition of visual posters representing different aspects and specific contexts of our Continuous Professional Development (CPD) activities. The PIM will culminate in a live, full-day online event on Friday, 20th June.
Types of Contributions
Asynchronous Contributions
  • Reflective account of personal CPD journey
  • Visual poster
Live Event Contributions
  • Paper presentation
  • Panel discussion
  • Lightening talk
Deadlines for abstract submissions and links to submission boxes:
Asynchronous content abstracts deadline – 25 April, 5:00pm
Notifications of acceptance: 1 May, 5:00pm
Click here to submit an asynchronous content abstract.
We will ask all accepted asynchronous contributions to be submitted for inclusion into our online platform by 19 May, 5:00pm
Live content abstracts deadline – 9 May, 5:00pm
Notification of acceptance: 23 May, 5:00pm
Click here to submit a live content abstract.
Abstract length
Abstracts for all contributions should be up to 250 words.
We are looking forward to receiving your proposals and jointly reflecting on our Continuous Professional Development.


20th June 2025
8:00am - 5:00pm
Event Category: