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Institution (where specified)

TEAP Level

Mentor and Assessors

Adam Donnelly University of Glasgow Associate Fellow
Alasdair Gillon University of Edinburgh Associate Fellow
Aleks Palanac University of Leicester Associate Fellow
Alexander Nikolaou University of Bristol Associate Fellow
Alison Thomas University of Edinburgh Senior Fellow
Alistair Frame Heriot-Watt University Associate Fellow
Andrea Tang University of Nottingham Ningbo China Associate Fellow
Angeliki Apostolidou University of Durham Associate Fellow
Anna Katarzyna Ziomek University of Reading Associate Fellow
Barbara Katharina Reschenhofer (Katie) Webster Vienna Private University Fellow
Bee Bond University of Leeds Senior Fellow TEAP Mentor and Assessor
Bella Ruth Reichard INTO Newcastle University Fellow
Beverly Allen Associate Fellow
Bin Feng Xi’An Jiaotong -Liverpool University Associate Fellow
Caitlin Coyle University of Glasgow Associate Fellow
Carole MacDiarmid University of Glasgow Senior Fellow TEAP Mentor and Assessor
Caroline Childs University of Northampton Associate Fellow
Cathryn Bennett University College Dublin Associate Fellow
Chris Cookson University for the Creative Arts Associate Fellow
Chris Kimble University of Bristol Associate Fellow
Claire Everett University of Manchester Associate Fellow
Cleo Tilley University of Warwick Fellow
David Munn University of Sussex Senior Fellow TEAP Mentor and Assessor
Debora Catavello University of Bristol Fellow
Deborah Cully Ulster University Fellow
Elena Moore Heriot-Watt University Associate Fellow
Elizabeth Allen University of  Bristol Senior Fellow TEAP Mentor and Assessor
Emma Stringer University of Leicester Associate Fellow
Francesco Romano University of Stockholm Associate Fellow
Gemma Goddard Associate Fellow
Gerry McLellan University of Glasgow & Aichi University of Education, Japan Associate Fellow
Graham Coffey University of Warwick Associate Fellow
Hazel McAllister University of Northampton Fellow
Helen Lyttle Associate Fellow
Hua Yu University of Bristol Associate Fellow
Ian Pople Senior Fellow
James Merry University of Nottingham Ningbo Fellow TEAP Mentor
Jane Bottomley (non-active) Senior Fellow TEAP Mentor and Assessor
Jane Heath University of Leeds Fellow
Janine McNair University of Glasgow Fellow
Jared Valenzuela The University of Nottingham Ningbo China Associate Fellow
Jayn Kilbon University of Leicester Fellow
Jenny Kemp University of Leicester Senior Fellow TEAP Mentor and Assessor
Jenny Warren University of Leicester Fellow
Jiahang Li Xi’An Jiaotong-Liverpool University Associate Fellow
Jo Kukuczka University of Warwick Fellow TEAP Mentor
Joanne Raynor University of Warwick Fellow
John Wrigglesworth Sheffield Hallam University Senior Fellow TEAP Mentor and Assessor
Jolanta Hudson University of Glasgow Associate Fellow
Judith Gorham Heriot-Watt University Fellow
Juliane Schwarz University of Leicester Associate Fellow
Julie Hughes University of Manchester Associate Fellow
Katherine High University of Bristol Fellow
Kathryn Dalby University of Bristol Associate Fellow
Laura Chen University of Bath Associate Fellow
Lauren Bunce University of Lancaster Associate Fellow
Lucy Atkinson University of Northampton Associate Fellow
Magdalena Luszcz University of Nottingham International College Associate Fellow
Marousa Pavli Fellow
Mark Beattie Ulster University Associate Fellow
Martha Partridge University of Bristol Associate Fellow
Martin Marguerie Associate Fellow
Matthew Ketteringham University of Leeds Senior Fellow TEAP Mentor and Assessor
Matthew Lane Associate Fellow
Matthew Walpole University of Sussex Fellow
Maxine Gillway University of Bristol Senior Fellow TEAP Mentor and Assessor
Meg Maclean University of Edinburgh Associate Fellow
Mercedes Villalba University of Bristol Associate Fellow
Merve Tulek Özyeğin University, İstanbul Associate Fellow
Michelle Segger University of Glasgow Associate Fellow
Mike Groves Lingnan University, Hong Kong Senior Fellow TEAP Mentor and Assessor
Milena Marinkova University of Leeds Fellow
Mirena Nalbantova University of Glasgow Associate Fellow
Natalie Green University of Bristol Associate Fellow
Natasha Cooper University College London Fellow
Neil Tibbetts Kings College London Senior Fellow
Nola Dennis (non-active) Loughborough University Senior Fellow TEAP Mentor and Assessor
Olwyn Alexander Heriot-Watt University Senior Fellow TEAP Mentor and Assessor
Paul Hendrie University of Bristol Fellow
Paul Morgan Ulster University Fellow
Peter Gee King’s College London Associate Fellow
Qasir Shah University College London Fellow
Rachel Wood University of Bristol Associate Fellow
Ramona Pistol University of Northampton Associate Fellow
Rebecca Welland University of Bath Fellow
Rob Playfair University of London Fellow TEAP Mentor
Robert Coates Brescia University Fellow TEAP Mentor
Ryan Simpson University of Bristol Associate Fellow
Samantha Coffey University of Warwick Associate Fellow
Sanchia Rodrigues University of Warwick Associate Fellow
Sara Ochal Associate Fellow
Sarah-Kate Fletcher BPP University Associate Fellow
Sebastian Kozbial University of Nottingham Ningbo China Senior Fellow TEAP Mentor and Assessor
Sheila Spencer Nottingham Trent University Fellow
Siew Peng Lee University of Warwick Associate Fellow
Simon Hotchkiss University of Aberdeen Fellow TEAP Mentor
Simon Mathews LSE Associate Fellow
Simon Reilly Fellow
Simon Williams University of Sussex Fellow
Stella Smyth Queen Mary University of London Fellow
Stephen O’Sullivan (non-active) Loughborough University Senior Fellow TEAP Mentor and Assessor
Susan Caie University of Aberdeen Senior Fellow
Susie Cowley-Haselden University of Warwick Senior Fellow TEAP Mentor and Assessor
Tania Kaya University of Bristol Associate Fellow
Tomasz Kotlinski Associate Fellow
Vincenzo Alfano University of Bristol Associate Fellow
Walter Nowlan Nottingham Trent University Fellow
Wayne Rimmer Fellow
Yasmin Dar University of Leicester Associate Fellow
Ying Gui Leeds Beckett/Study Group Leeds Associate Fellow
Xiaoqing Bi Associate Fellow
Zoe Jones University of Bristol Associate Fellow


See here for a map of institutions with a Senior Fellow.

For further information about the TEAP Scheme, see here.