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BALEAP Research & Publications Sub-Committee applications

7 February 2023

Applications open for the Research & Publications Sub-Committee

We are inviting applications to form the BALEAP Research and Publications sub-committee. We hope that with this team, we will be able to extend our initiatives and provide opportunities for members to contribute their ideas and benefit practitioners. 

 Please send indication of interest highlighting your experience and suitability for one of the roles below to by Sunday 5th March 2023. You’ll find more details about the roles in the attached document. 

You can indicate interest for more than one role. You are also welcome to suggest another role which you think would be useful for the membership. 


Purpose of the sub-committee 

The sub-committee will provide support, suggest, develop and oversee a range of new initiatives which will enhance access and progress in scholarship for the BALEAP membership. The committee will be a body of 7 (including the 2 Research and Publications Officers). The committee will collaborate on the whole range of initiatives and 3 members will be responsible for the specific duties detailed below.  


Roles available: 

  1. Website administrator for the website
  2.  Book Reviews administrator
  3.  Critical Friend initiative administrator 
  4. Two additional support members  

More Information:

Call for BALEAP RP sub committee members

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