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Call for nominations for BALEAP Executive Committee

28 November 2022

BALEAP Executive Committee


We welcome nominations from across the membership and look forward to working with new colleagues.

Nominations are invited for the following 3-year positions (2023-2025) on the BALEAP Executive Committee.

  • Testing Officer
  • Web Officer
  • SIGs Officer
  • TEAP Officer
  • Information and Publicity Offier
  • Ordinary Member x2

For details of the posts, please visit the website

Proposer, seconder and nominee must be members of BALEAP (individual or institutional).


1)    Nominee either contacts a proposer and seconder OR proposer and seconder contact the nominee.

2)    Nominee sends an email to (copied to proposer and seconder) stating the position as a subject line and including a short statement (max 150 words) about themselves and how they would hope to contribute to BALEAP through the role.

3)    Nominations close on Friday 13 January 2023.

4)    The list of nominees (with proposer, seconder and statement) will be circulated to the BALEAP discussion list after 13 January when nominations have closed.

5)    Institutional reps will gather preferences from their institutional members.

6)    Where there is more than one nomination, elections will take place electronically in February. Institutional membership carries two votes (reps vote on behalf of their institution having canvassed the views of all colleagues); Individual members have one vote.

7)    New Executive members will be confirmed in their roles at the AGM in April 2023.

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