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BALEAP supports the professional development of those involved in learning, teaching, scholarship and research in English for Academic Purposes (EAP). It was founded in 1972 as SELMOUS (Special English Language Materials for Overseas University Students) and changed its name to The British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes in 1989 and then to BALEAP in 2010.

Its aims are to:

  • enhance the quality of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) learning and teaching in institutions of further and higher education.
  • support the professional development of those involved in learning, teaching, scholarship and research in EAP
  • provide an accreditation scheme for EAP teachers to demonstrate their professional development
  • provide an accreditation scheme for EAP courses
  • promote and disseminate understanding of EAP and associated research through:
    • biennial conferences and one-day Professional Issues Meetings (PIMs)
    • publication of research and conference presentations.
    • statements of good practice such as teacher competencies and guidelines for testing


Members have access to a number of benefits, including a discussion list through which they can engage in discussion on topics of mutual concern, engage in informal consultancy or surveys, and obtain advice about testing, materials for courses, syllabus design, recruitment.


List of Acronyms used in the BALEAP community

EAP = English for Academic Purposes

PIM = Professional Issues Meeting (sometimes understood as “Professional Interest Meeting”)

ResTES = Research Training Event Series

TEAP = principally “Teaching EAP”, but often meant to refer to TEAP Portfolio Accreditation for Individuals.

BAS = BALEAP Accreditation Scheme, which oversees both institutional and individual accreditation; most often, BAS is used to refer to the institutional accreditation scheme.

JEAP = Journal of EAP, a journal published by Elsevier and which is included as a benefit of BALEAP membership for institutions and individuals


And finally…

BALEAP = this is not an acronym now, but the name of our organisation. It goes back to our previous name (until 2010): British Association of Lectures in English for Academic Purposes