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Collaboration with CEAPA

3 May 2018

Maxine Gillway, current BALEAP Chair, represented BALEAP at the invitation of the Chinese EAP Association as part of a panel for an EAP teaching competition in Shanghai on Saturday April 21st, 2018. Fourteen teachers each taught a group of 8 students for 20 minutes. Memorable moments included an exemplary data driven focus on nominalisations across genres; a visualisation of the research article as candy in a candy jar (the research area); and the use of poetry and song in a session on student wellbeing. The winning teachers were able to quickly establish rapport with their students, personalise the teaching focus, and demonstrate learning. The students concurred with the judges’ decision, reporting the two winning lessons as both enjoyable and memorable.

Maxine also offered workshops at Tongji University and Jiatong University as well as a lecture reflecting on the similarities and differences between CEAPA and BALEAP criteria for EAP teaching and learning. BALEAP hopes to continue collaboration with CEAPA The Chinese EAP Association was established in January 2015 in order to promote EAP on a national scale.  See the attached chapter on the interesting debate around the role of EAP in College English Teaching in Shanghai: Debates around the orientation of TEFL in Chinese tertiary education

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